Sunday 10 October 2010

Feast for mind and spirit

This weekend has been a feast for mind and spirit. A two-day course at Streams in Cheltenham (the Art of Hearing God) was like water to a thirsty soul. It felt so good to be studying, learning, and opening my mind to understanding more of God - wow - how amazing that he is always speaking to us and through us. Here are a few sound-bites I noted in the margins of my manual, though 2 solid days of teaching can't really be condensed into a few lines:

"PEACE is the potting soil of revelation"
"You can focus on faith or fear - faith is from the spirit, fear is from the soul (mind, will, emotions) - whatever you focus on you empower and will grow bigger"
"We are faced with constant choices and decisions. Every choice you make either brings you closer to God or further away from him."
"Live before an audience of One"
"EGO = Edging God Out"
"Godly character is of greater value than spiritual giftedness"
"What you see and hear (in the spiritual realm) depends a good deal upon where you are standing - and a great deal upon what kind of person you are"
"You cannot understand spiritual things with the soul (mind) - it speaks a different language"

We also spent time listening to God - for ourselves, and the other students. I found it a little bit nerve-wracking trying to tap into Gods heart for another person when they're stood right in front of you but it's all about learning and becoming more confident and sharpening up your discernment. The teaching we received was so good and completely based in the Bible - I would highly recommend this course to anyone with a desire to explore their gifting in more depth.

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